We have two approved Business Champions so far - a big thank-you to The Grange and Hit The Trail for signing up and submitting successful applications. We need four more businesses to be accredited to achieve Plastic Free Community status for Bookham - please read on to see if you can help. The award is free to apply for.
Businesses must be small-medium independent businesses based in or operating in Bookham. Small local chains are also eligible. Owners need to be able to demonstrate that they've swapped - or avoided - just three separate items of single-use plastic. Items already removed count unless they have since been banned (plastic straws or cutlery, for example).
For examples of swaps take a look at our Reducing Plastic Use page.
you're interested in getting involved, register to become a Business Champion on the Plastic Free Communities website.
Once you've met the
objectives you'll be awarded a certificate and plaque and can choose to
work towards a higher level of accreditation..
Several local businesses have already signed up to the Refill scheme to offer water refills.